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Odd Fellows Lodge - 212 Turner Street

Contemporary Photo
1905-1910 Postcard
Plaqued 1837, this large, 3-story, 3-bay brick building, laid in Flemish bond, was originally 2 stories with a side-gable roof that has since been raised to have a flat roof with corbelled cornice and recessed paneling. The original corbelled cornice above the second story, fine Flemish bond brick walls and rubbed brick jack arches are still intact. Building has 12/12 reproduction sash with brick sills and keystone lintels, a marble plaque above the entrance depicting the three links in a chain "F, L, and T" (Friendship, Love, Truth) and smaller plaques or tiles carved with "I, O, O, F" (Independent Order of Odd Fellows) inset beneath the cornice. The front entrance has a 6 raised-panel door set within an arched opening with keystone. The first brick dwelling in Beaufort, it was built in 1837 by brick masons who built Fort Macon. It was converted to the Odd Fellows Lodge by 1880. (Wrenn File - 1997 Survey)

Golden Rule and Odd-Fellows’ Family Companion, 1848
“News from the Lodges”

Concordia Lodge No 11, Beaufort.—B.L. Perry, NG; Benj. Leecraft Jr. VG; Stephen T. Willis, S; John F. Jones, T.
    The 21st of Jan. was the anniversary of Concordia Lodge, which was celebrated in very handsome style. They had a procession and address in the earlier part of the day, and the after part and evening were spent in social hilarity, in which everybody participated. I had the pleasure of joining with them, and was delighted to find the spirit of Odd-Fellowship still in full operation among our Beaufort brethren, with their numbers increased far beyond what they had even hoped for, and still increasing.


1967 drawing of the original 1837 structure
North Carolina State University School of Design
1967 photo
Proceedings of the 64th Annual Session of the
Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. of North Carolina
held in Elizabeth City, NC
Concordia Lodge No. 11 – Beaufort, Carteret County
Day of Meeting, Tuesday.
(Instituted the 21st day of January, 1847 by Israel Disosway, G.M.)
[It was incorporated in 1848 – ratified January 27, 1849.]

M.C. Holland………………………….N.G.
M. Leslie Davis………………………..V.G.
John M. Wolfe…………………………Sec.
Thos. Gold……………………….…..Treas.

Past Grands.—Jno. M. Wolfe, Chas. L. Abernethy, A.C. Mason, Thos. Gold, W.H. Taylor, M.C. Holland
Third Degree.—I.C. Brown, Mathias Chaplin, R.E. Chaplain, M. Leslie Davis, R.H. Dowdy, Henry H. Davis, Chas. S. Davis, Cleveland Davis, Samuel H. Fulford, Mason G. Fulford, A.J. Fulcher Jr., Monroe Gillikin, Chas. V. Hill, Alonzo Hill, J.B. Hellen, C.T. Jarvis, D.M. Jones, L.V. Lewis, Edward B. Lewis, L.J. Nelson, Robt. L. Pigott, D.M. Pugh, W.P. Smith, W.T. Willis, Jas. E. Wade, Walter Yeoman, Daniel Yeoman.


 I.O.O.F. on Sanborn Maps (Old Town Lot 102)
(Near Southeast Corner of Turner and Broad Streets)

1885 – 2-story I.O.O.F
1898 – 1-story addition to back
1904 – 2 ½-story (no addition)