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Caleb Bradham's mother-in-law was born in Beaufort.

1827 Hatsell House
In March of 1838, Mary Elizabeth Hatsell was born in Beaufort in the 1827 Hatsell House at 117 Orange Street, to Andrew Lee Hatchell and Charity Fuller. On December 15, 1869, Mary Elizabeth married Bryan Griffin Credle. In 1901, their daughter Sarah Charity Credle married Caleb Davis Bradham - the New Bern pharmacist who concocted "Pepsi-Cola." On June 16, 1903, the U.S. Patent Office registered the "Pepsi-Cola" trademark.

Pepsi-Cola's Caleb Bradham
(NC Museum of History)
When Charity and Caleb Bradham married, Caleb gave his father-in-law, Bryan Griffin Credle, one share of "Pepsi-Cola" stock. Charity and Caleb's daughter, Mary McCann Bradham, was pictured in a photo ad when she was about four years old - making her the first and youngest "Pepsi Girl". Charity and Caleb Bradham had two other children - Caleb Darnell Bradham, born in 1905 and George Washington Bradham, born in 1907. About 1925, Mary McCann Bradham married William Dossey Pruden Sr.