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Hatsell-Clawson House circa 1902 - Restored 2008

Charles Ives Hatsell's Orange Street Home - Early 1900s
Pre-restoration 2007
Restored House - 2008
This circa 1902 Beaufort home, was built by Canelium Clarence Guthrie, either before or shortly after Charlie Hatsell's marriage to Marie Ella Clawson. It was divided into three apartments, most likely after the death of "Miss Marie" in 1951. After many years of neglect, the home was restored in 2008. 

THE HISTORY: Charles Ives Hatsell was born on February 23, 1878. He was the son of 1833 George Andrew Hatsel and Julia Ellen Mace and grandson of 1803 Andrew Lee Hatchel and Charity Fuller. Andrew’s father William Hatchell was born about 1766 in the White Oak River area near Swansboro; his father William Hatsel (1730–1801) came to North Carolina about 1755.
At the time of his marriage, twenty-four-year-old Charlie Hatsell, who had been working with Professor H.V. Wilson out of the temporary laboratory at the Gibbs House on Front Street, began full-time work at the new Federal Biological Laboratory across Gallants Channel on Piver's Island.

“Charlie” Hatsell went on to serve as the terrapin culturist and foreman at the United States Fisheries Biological Laboratory. He personally supervised the propagation of thousands of young diamondback terrapins. In 1947 Hatsell retired on his sixty-ninth birthday after serving forty-five years at the laboratory. Several months later he was presented with a citation and bronze plaque from the United States Department of the Interior for his "long faithful and highly distinguished service." Charles Hatsell died July 30, 1949 at the age of seventy-one. In 1954 Hatsell’s contributions were included in an article on terrapins in National Geographic.