Special Pages

Johnston Photos of Beaufort in 1936 and 1937

Beaufort Photographs 
by Frances Benjamin Johnston 1864-1952
Photographs courtesy: Library of Congress, Canegie Survey of the Architecture of the South
(Johnston biography in Fort Macon post.)
Noted by Johnston as "Old Beaufort House" in 1936, this is the Jacob Henry House circa 1800, 229 Front Street.
Noted by Johnston as a "Tavern" in 1937, this is the Duncan House circa 1815. (The Duncan House was always a private home, except when the west side was used as a ship chandlery and store, patronized by visiting ships as well as local residents from about 1832 until 1910.) Note the fishing shack at the end of Front Street.

Also noted as a "Tavern" in 1937, this is the Davis House
119-125 Front Street

Noted by Johnston as "Old Beaufort House" in 1936, 
this is the William Borden House circa 1778 at 305 Front Street.

Detail of Borden House - Note double doors; during WWI the house 
was turned into apartments for military officers at Camp Lejeune.

Details of Borden House - Note the unusual structure in the tree;
it appears to be a replica of the Borden House.

Noted by Johnston as "Old Beaufort House" in 1936, is the 
John Sabiston House circa 1857 - William Borden House next door.